Frequently Asked Questions

When are sessions available?
Sessions are scheduled Monday- Friday. You can schedule online here.

What does it cost?
New clients: 90 minutes @ $190 OR 2 hours @ $250. Follow-up sessions are 75 minutes and are currently being offered @ $150, increasing to $175 August 1, 2022.

Where is Triangle Body Therapy located?
We are at a convenient Chapel Hill location in Southern Village.  Please see our Contact page for more information.

How is Myofascial Release different from massage therapy?
In short, it is often significantly more effective at making permanent changes. Read more about the difference here.

Does insurance cover this work?
In most cases, no. Please see our rates page for more information.

What do I wear?
Owen prefers to do a standing postural evaluation prior to working with you. The purpose for this is to get a sense of how gravity affects the vertical alignment of your structure. It is most helpful for this evaluation to be done with you dressed in your underwear. Loose fitting athletic shorts and a sports bra or a two piece bathing suit (as made appropriate by gender, obviously) are also OK. If imagining this makes you feel anxious, please know this feeling is more common than you might expect. Owen is very sensitive to body image issues most people have. Assessments are in no way used to judge or criticize.This evaluation gives an important layer of information, which helps tremendously to inform treatment strategies. If, however, being evaluated in this fashion is for any reason problematic for you, it is not obligatory.

Is Myofascial Release painful? Misconceptions about what Myofascial Release is has led to many believing it’s painful by definition. What comes up in a Google search of Myofascial Release perpetuates this myth. Myofascial Release as practiced at Triangle Body Therapy covers the whole spectrum of touch from direct and bone deep to extremely mild and subtle manipulation of your body’s energy systems. Most treatment is somewhere in between. It often feels like mild, passive stretching of your body’s known and unknown tight places, like you’re on a customized, therapeutic rack. At times this is mildly uncomfortable, but usually not much more than that. If treatment is painful, it’s most commonly of the “that hurts so good” variety you can tell you obviously need.

How does treatment take place?
Sometimes  hands-on work will begin with you in a seated position. The majority of your session will be spent lying down on a comfortable treatment table in a quiet, clean, professional office environment. 

How often do I need to be treated?
Results of treatment vary with each individual, but generally goals are reached with four to twelve weeks of treatment one to two times each week. Chronic and more severe conditions will require greater frequency and increased length of treatment. While permanent changes do occur with each treatment, your fascial restrictions never completely release all at once. Resolving their influence is a cumulative process that happens over time. 

Is each session the same?
No, each session is unique and tailored to your particular needs.

Can children receive Myofascial Release?

A lifetime of chronic issues can be avoided when addressed early on. Babies often come out of the womb with structural imbalances that correct very easily when treated early. Many think a few skilled sessions shortly after birth can help correct what otherwise develop into a lifetime of chronic issues. Owen has found over the years that most older children have a lot of myofascial imbalance from their rough and tumble lifestyles as well. So, yes, it’s ideal to have your children treated! However, at Triangle Body Therapy we’re focused on treating adults. Referrals to local providers who treat children are available.

Where was Owen trained in Myofascial Release?

Myofascial Release has been developed over the past several decades by world reknown physical therapist John Barnes. Owen has fully participated in over 300 hours of training directly with Barnes since 2003 in locations all over the US. He has pursued hundreds of hours of additional training with other esteemed teachers as well. But real skill development happens over years of practice in the treatment room with actual clients. Owen is licensed to practice in the state of NC, and has been a full-time, bodywork therapist for 20 years.


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